Tuesday, April 1, 2008



Today I was on my way to OIT (office of information technology) on the UMD campus so I could renew my password when a professor (Dr. Abed I think) from the ECE building volunteered to walk me there. We talked a little about college, time and the like before I reached my destination, he seemed very nice.

Today's (April First) Diamondback (Maryland's Independent School Newspaper) was wrought with hilarious little pranks that i took seriously at first. For example, there was an article detailing the university president's plans to shift the focus of the university from education to a permanent solution to global warming!


Dr. Newcomb informed me of a few articles in Time relating to kinetic energy harvesting that i plan to take a look at. We discussed how exactly to conclude this phase of my research for purposes of completing the fifth and final chapter of the RP paper.

1 comment:

Matthew Tripp said...

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