Monday, September 24, 2007



Etcetera unofficial c/o '08 shirts released today!


Today, I took the bull by the horns and acquired the contact information for the higher-ups within UMD's Engineering Staff and proceeded to bombard them all by phone and email until I got a massive lead with one Ms. Judi Bell, Director of the Electrical and Computer Engineering School. She told me that all I needed to do was provide her with my contact, academic and future interest information in a pseudo-resume and she would send the information out as an all-call to all of the professors.

Friday, September 21, 2007



My birthday is today! I spent most of it taking senior pics and sleeping though.


Patricia Long, another fellow Intern, has said that there may be a possobility of working at the same building as her. The location at which she internd conducts many areas of research, giving me a good chance of finding a lead there.

Saturday, September 15, 2007



Registered for the ACT today.


Contacted Prof. Prakash Narayan today. He was impressed at my undertaking and really wished to take me under his wing but was currently assigned to teach an upper-level course for which I just was not yet equipped to take.

On the bright side, he referred me to three of his close collefues that might be willing to work with me.

Friday, September 14, 2007



Must start driving with Dad soon.


Contacted Prof. K. Liu today, but had minor grammatical errors within my email. Mr. Rountree informed me of this fact after recieveing my CC. He (Liu) never replied.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007



I'm stressed already! I need to get focused.


Today, I began a campaign of cold-calling/emailing as many engineering professors at UMD, College Park as I can within two periods day by day. All emails were forwarded to Mr. Rountree for posterity and advice.

My approach to the prospective internship is borrowed from fellow Intern, Vasco Mateus, in that I am aiming to take an actual college course (pertaining to my research) as a high school -aged intern.

My first contact attempt was to Prof. Hyong La. His reply was along the lines of "I had previously been conducting research pertaining to cellular networks, but not anymore. Sorry." I thanked him and moved on.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007



Boring, uneventful day. At least I'm in good health.


This morning, I sent Mr. Rountree my revised and condensed RP Proposal for my projected--uh--project for when I'm working with a mentor in the near future. Hopefully i can get that mentor soon and dont have to change my project...

Monday, September 10, 2007

Day One

Personal Notes/ Reminders
  • Working late, procrastination by excessive after-school naps.

Research Practicum

  • Created electronic companion to tangible journal in the form of this blog.